
Thessaloniki's port

Our project has a common factor, the maritime identity of our cities. We couldn't neglect the study of our city's port, it's history and it's activity. So we made a video about our city's port.

An interactive quiz for Thessaloniki

We couldn't teach without examine the acquired knowdedge! So we made a quiz, which has fun answering to it. We used the Photopeach webtool
For some mysterious reason the embed code doesn't work, so click on the link below, to see the quiz and answer it.
Our photopeach quiz

A video for Thessaloniki's history

After research and studying our city's history, we decided to show to our partners the 2300 history of our city, in a video.
Enjoy it.

A padlet, presenting Thessaloniki

Wanting to introduce their city, Thessaloniki, the students of the 3rd Secondary School of Thessaloniki, made a "wall" with posts about several aspects of their city. History, buildings, sights, museums, artists, writers, delicacies, educational institutions, etc are gathered and showed in that padlet

The "beginning" Questionnaire

After introducing ourselves (students and teachers) to each other, the students of the 3rd Secondary School of Thermi, Thessaloniki, formed a questionnaire, which they proposed to their partners, in order to form a plan of "introducing", searching and getting to know each others' cities. Of course the questionnaire could be changed, so that it could be adjusted to each city's needs.

1. When and by whom was your city founded?
2. How your city took its name? Is there a history about the city’s nomination?
3. How many times was the city conquered by foreigners?
4. What was the relationship of the city with the sea in ancient times?
5. Roman era: what was the role of the city during this period?
6. Are there walls (castle or fortifications) in your city? If so, write something about your city’s fortifications.
7. Present 3 pre-Christian (ancient or roman) monuments in your city.
8. Present 3 medieval (Christian or not) monuments of your city.
9. Present 3 modern monuments of your city.
10. Has your city an emblem? If so, present it.
11. Present 3 contemporary buildings in your city that you consider important or famous.
12. Present the most popular products (food – beverages or traditional products) of your city.
13. What is the city’s population today and what is it’s composition? What changes have occurred in the population’ s composition the last 200 (or 100) years?
14. Present the history of your city’s port.
15. Present the maritime activity in your city today.
16. Present the commercial activity in your city at: a) the medieval era, b) modern times, c) today
17. What is the influence of the sea on the economic development of your city?
18. Name and present three famous historical personalities of your city.
19. Name and present the most famous writers of your city.
20. Name and present the most famous musicians of your city.
21. Name and present the most famous artists (actors, singers) of your city.
22. Name and present the most famous artists (painters, sculptors) of your city.
23. Present the three most serious problems of your city today.
24. Present the museums and generally the touristic attractions of your city.
25. Present the educational institutions of your city.